Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


My Day

(Don't worry, I won't post about my day after this)

Well, actually, this day wasn't that exciting. I was just bored, plus some things did happen that I thought I'd share with my half-dozen* of readers.

Well, I was biking around a little bit, knowing that a few of my friends were planning on stopped by my place so I could come with them to the big... Park, place. This park is one of those huge places where everybody goes with their families and stuff to throw frisbees and fly their Superman kites and play their rallyball and their volleyball and eat their lunches on their checkered blankets. But I digress. Actually, I didn't, I just like saying that.

So anyway, we arrive, and we're all like "Ho'y shih tzu, I'm hot! Let's get iced cream or something!" So we decide to go to the popular ice cream parlour across a bridge that separates it from the park. We get there, I leave my bike with one of my friends and enter the store. I ended up getting a scoop of cookies and cream ice cream and devoured that in a few minutes. Pretty good, although it tasted more like plain vanilla.
So then I'm thirsty, and I go to the three drink dispensers and put in a toonie. Since the raspberry flavoured water looked extremely appetising at the time, I hit the button and I get my quarter change back, but no drink. The machine kept my dollar seventy-five and was too cheap to give me my drink. I got pissed, but something else happened.
I borrowed a quarter from a friend and bought a Powerade instead, because the other machine made me sad.

Here's the good part. I'm walking along, going to throw my garbage out and what's this?! A five dollar bill?! Wow! Is God reimbursing me for my recent loss of a toonie? Why, how nice of him.

Yeah, pretty boring day if the highlight of it was gaining three dollars. But I'm going to spend that on a Butter Caramel Iced Cap at Tim Horton's right now.

Sorry for the horrible blog entry.

- Cam with the Green Eggs and Ham


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