Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


It Takes my Pain Away!

Well, The title means nothing. It's just lyrics to an awesome song. Pain, by Jimmy Eat World. This awesome song is also in a commercial a couple of my buddies and I made back in October or November for a school project. The commercial is about an energy drink called Kick Arse (my idea, heh.) and for those who don't understand our concept: Three guys drink a horrible tasting drink that they hate, and they think about something that anyone could do. They then take a sip of the oh-so wonderful Kick Arse, and immediately feel an adrenaline rush that makes them do crazy stunts and other such unreal awesomisity. The reason I'm posting this now is because I've always tried to upload it to websites, and today Putfile finally got it sent through. So, for your viewing pleasure, here's Kick Arse.

So... Did you like it? Of course you did! Like we said, this was filmed in about late October or around then. The people in it, in order, are my friends Corey, Graeme and I. We took turns filming the parts, and our awesome filming and computer editing got us the win for our "commercial awards" (not to mention a kick arse mark!). Kick Arse will always live in our hearts. Which is why Corey, Graeme and I have decided to film something else including our famous drink. Unfortunately, I can't tell you any
more about it, very hush hush. So, be quiet.

So sorry about the late post, but you should be used to my laziness by now.

And, in Cam's Injury Report, I managed to smash the side of my knee on some cold hard cement. Plus the effect of a sprained finger still hasn't worn off after a week but what I gonna do? I know! Watch Kick Arse again!

That's all for now, though. Later!


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