Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


Incoherent Venting

Well, I for one am happy with the week. I got homework pretty much done and done, with a project due Monday that I haven't started and can't start until Monday, so I'm screwed in that department. I'm currently playing with a green motorcycle eraser that I won by doing a math question correctly. Now that I look back on it, I didn't get that question totally right, but eh, I get an excuse to make motorcycle noises now. And now that I look back even more, "eraser" doesn't look like it's spelt right. I'm sure we all get that feeling where we spell a word, and look at it more closely, questioning the spelling of that word, because it seems so queer. Heh, queer, what a queer word. I have actually never said that word outloud, so it's never escaped my mouth. I'm going to see how long it takes until I say it, so far it's 14 years, going on 15. But now that I'm ignoring the "eraser" word, it looks like it's spelt correctly now....... Queer.

So this isn't really getting anywhere, feel free to stop reading. Or, if you want, read on, I don't give a damg. <- You see that? I just mixed "dang" and "damn" together. Who's cool now?! OMG OMG OMG OGM OGMOGGM OMGMGOMMGOGOMGOGM!!~~!!11212131145687y1! It's greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! Hulk Time!!!!................ Okay, done.

So anyw- So anyway, I'm actually excited about the release of Tetris DS. I never did get too into Tetris, mainly because I didn't know how to play at age 5, but now that I've played it recently, it appeals to me now. Dropping coloured blocks in an arranged fashion has never been the same! I also like the modes that will be featured in the game, plus the cameos of NES classics that will also be in there. May I also mention the online play? I can't wait!

Holy Hell! IT'S PLAY-DOH! Or should I say; Holy Bible, Crinkleybagman!!!

Time for some graceful poetry from the top o' my head! Or... Near the top of my head, my brain is more near the top/middle of my head, so around there.

From the depths of the planet, there's a world of heat.
It's a corona of ballage, it can burn your seat.
Don't get close to the core, or you're going to fry,
but you're just an emo, no one cares if you die.


I think I'm done. Part two of my epic.... Quadrilogy.... Sometime. (Coming to a cannoli near you. Mmm, cannoli.......)

Cam the Man


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