Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


OMG It's not St. Patricks Day!

Yeah, I was busy today. And I'm only about an hour past the day. I was actually really busy, but everything ended pretty happily. Here's a summary of my day:

I went to school, all went like a normal day, except today was Saint Patricks Day. The problem was I wore absolutely no green at all on me. Ah well, I won a cheap tattoo... Whoopie!

After school, I had a shower and went to a dance which was better. No one got really drunk and puked their guts out this time around, which was a plus. ^^ Danced with lots of people, had a good time, all went well.

It was before I went to the dance that made my day really good. I was on the computer and was on the forums I usually go on, when I was looking at a post made by the Webmaster of the site which told me to check my Private Messages. I did so, and noticed a message posted by him last week about an position offering of Moderator on the site. I was completely overwhelmed and felt full of happiness and excitement, so I jumped up and down and did my little heel clicks in the air (Made sense because.. It seemed leprechauney and yeah.. You know). I may be a nerd, but I'm a very happy nerd. So top-o'-da-mornin' to ye! Hah!

So anyhoo (Yeah, I'm not done my story yet), I send a reply back to the webmaster saying I'd be honoured and such, and I head off to the dance. After dancing, feeling tired, getting an ice cap, going through a car wash, getting in my house, watching South Park and adding something else here to make this list of things seem longer, I checked the site with an announcement saying that me and a couple other members of the site were made mods. Great day to end it.

So now I'm here, posting my day. The new South Park episode was
pretty great. The boys all hated the baseball league they were in, so they were diliberately trying to lose their games, but so were the other teams. Hilarity and confusion ensues and it was great. Some "Rocky" movie references in there too, pretty funny. Ahh..... I'm thirsty, kinda. I don't know what I am, my mind isn't working very well, my fingers are just moving in a grammatically correct fashion, so the words I am typing are actually correct when strung together in a grammatical unit that is syntactically independent and has a subject that is expressed, otherwise known as a sentence.

Well, my rant is done. Speaking of rant, I'll probably post the second installment of my "Incoherent Rant" soon enough. For now, I've got newbs that need tending to.

Oh, and I made up a great line to describe myself. Made this a few weeks ago, ready? Okay:
"I'm so Irish, that my blood is green.... And 82% Alcohol." ^^
Not true, but I still like the saying!

- Campino (The Littlest Leprechaun)

P.S. I made today's post green, for obvious reasons.... Did you notice? If you did, bonus points to you!


  • At 10:47 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Cameroni! ITS WYNZI! haha! im stalking u :) haha! I did not apreciate ur disgusting language about blow holes on my website mister, teehee it was hilarious.. so yes.. im on the fone to eryn *gasp* *thinks* iv got to stop puting things in starts damnit. hmm.. soo yeah i havnt actualy read any of ur blogs yet, i just hit the comment button straight away! :D haha! wow im so not funny blah! :P


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