Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


I'm Half Back in the Loopy Loop

You heard me. I'm blogging today, and I did yesterday. But enough of me talking yet again about how I update this, I've annoyed myself enough. It's also 1:30 in the morning, and I'm tired. I just spent three minutes thinking about how "annoyed" was spelt. I thought it was "innoyed" then "ennoyed" before actually getting it. Sad, I know.

Anyway, I saw "Silent Hill" at the cheap theatres today. Near the end, I had a really weird feeling. Like, I thought I was going to vomit, and it wasn't even that grotesque. I don't know. There was something going on that I don't want to say, because if this is actually read, I'd be sad. ANYWAY!

I heard around that Silent Hill wasn't that great. Reviews were bad, and people just said it sucked. When I saw it, my friend and I (both of us hardcore gamers, but never played a Silent Hill game, only seen videos) liked the movie. Yes, it started out slow, and the first scare came from the main character walking into a garbage can due to utter carelessness (which was hard to believe because she was really studying the area. Guess she wasn't being simplistic enough and forgot to look in front of herself.) Needfull to say, someone screamed at that part. I think it was one of my friends too. =P

Not as many jumpy parts as I thought, and no vomity parts (which was really surprising. You think tonnes of corpses and bodies and blood would make you hurl, if you aren't used to that sorta thing). But it just seemed unrealistic when the woman was calm all the time, and wasn't at all scarred by the end of the movie. I remember making many jokes to my friend about various parts throughout the movie, and now I want to download it and put our ideas in for laughs. I think it would be really funny.

Anyway, the ending confused most, including myself. I had a slight idea of what happened. spoiler: I assumed that she was in a parallel demension the entire movie, which explains why her husband never saw her when they were in the same places. It was odd, really. Some parts, sick. Just disgusting. Since I'm still in a spoiler tag-ish thing, I'll just say that there were many cool yet extremely disturbing parts. I don't think jamming barbed wire up someone's ass was really nessessary. Ripping skin off someone wasn't very welcome, either. But, I kinda liked the movie.

I liked it more than most people who said it was bad. My friend said he liked it a lot, and we had a good time making fun of it, but at the same time, we were really into it.. At most times.

We also discussed later that we were glad that there were no big time, well known celebrities in the movie. It gives it an original feeling (or as I put it: non-Hollywoody feeling) to it. It doesn't give it too much publicity about it, no one judges the movie based on how the celebrity acted. I hate how the media can just shut out a movie based on one well known person. It sucks that people can't just enjoy movies anymore. I even find myself judging them.

Pirates 2 for example: It was amazing. Better than that. I completely loved it. But once I told people to see it now, they were like "Meh." I'm like "What did you just say?" *unsheathes shoulder-holstered knife*. I hear how people are critiquing the CG effects of Davy Jones, or how it seemed less realistic to the first movie... Gimme a break. Movies are supposed to be unrealistic. Movies take you away from reality. If they seem to do that, and you're complaining, then movies aren't for you. I'm sorry to say, now quit badmouthing them and actually watch one! Or better yet, just stay away from them. They hate you as much as you hate them. Well, actually they don't. Once you watch it, they've got your money, they're happy. Loser.

- Cam. I'm serious today, and slightly angered.


  • At 11:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 5:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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