Incoherent Venting
Well, I for one am happy with the week. I got homework pretty much done and done, with a project due Monday that I haven't started and can't start until Monday, so I'm screwed in that department. I'm currently playing with a green motorcycle eraser that I won by doing a math question correctly. Now that I look back on it, I didn't get that question totally right, but eh, I get an excuse to make motorcycle noises now. And now that I look back even more, "eraser" doesn't look like it's spelt right. I'm sure we all get that feeling where we spell a word, and look at it more closely, questioning the spelling of that word, because it seems so queer. Heh, queer, what a queer word. I have actually never said that word outloud, so it's never escaped my mouth. I'm going to see how long it takes until I say it, so far it's 14 years, going on 15. But now that I'm ignoring the "eraser" word, it looks like it's spelt correctly now....... Queer.
So this isn't really getting anywhere, feel free to stop reading. Or, if you want, read on, I don't give a damg. <- You see that? I just mixed "dang" and "damn" together. Who's cool now?! OMG OMG OMG OGM OGMOGGM OMGMGOMMGOGOMGOGM!!~~!!11212131145687y1! It's greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! Hulk Time!!!!................ Okay, done.
So anyw- So anyway, I'm actually excited about the release of Tetris DS. I never did get too into Tetris, mainly because I didn't know how to play at age 5, but now that I've played it recently, it appeals to me now. Dropping coloured blocks in an arranged fashion has never been the same! I also like the modes that will be featured in the game, plus the cameos of NES classics that will also be in there. May I also mention the online play? I can't wait!
Holy Hell! IT'S PLAY-DOH! Or should I say; Holy Bible, Crinkleybagman!!!
Time for some graceful poetry from the top o' my head! Or... Near the top of my head, my brain is more near the top/middle of my head, so around there.
From the depths of the planet, there's a world of heat.
It's a corona of ballage, it can burn your seat.
Don't get close to the core, or you're going to fry,
but you're just an emo, no one cares if you die.
I think I'm done. Part two of my epic.... Quadrilogy.... Sometime. (Coming to a cannoli near you. Mmm, cannoli.......)
Cam the Man
They're Piling in the Backseat
Okay, so it's been a while. My bad. Whatever.
I haven't been doing anything productive throughout the week. I went to friend's places, hung around, ate food, watched the Olympics a bit. Canada's doing alright, we have quite a few medals.
I taped an episode of Mr. Rogers, so I could laugh at it later if I was bored... Yeah.
Wow, this is turning out to be quite a short blog entry. Umm..... Oh, I had pizza today! It was Hawaiian... Yep, pretty awesome. COPS is on right now, too. What a pretty good show. I like how they take people down, Chuck Norris style. Except Chuck Norris is all like, cool, and stuff. His kicks can shatter bones. I bet you didn't know that.
Oh, I still haven't seen Final Destination 3 yet, so that's a bummer. I will soon, because I'm still really phyched for it!
My brother's friend brought his electric guitar over for a few days with his sound alternator, so no matter what I played, it sounded so awesome! I taught myself to play a few songs, like Blitzkreig Bop, which is what the title is all about (it's part of the lyrics for you "slower" people).
But yeah, that was my week + weekend. It was good so far! =) Sorry, no pictures today... Aww, the heck with it.
Well, that's it... Talk to you later!
-Camitron (Eryn gave me that idea ^^)
Updated on Time
Yeah, so it's Wednesday. And I'm excited. For what, you may ask? Well, for my most anticipated movie of the year! Final Destination 3!
Holy crap, it's amazing!!!Oh man, I remember the first time I saw Final Destination on television. It was so awesome, the whole plot was interesting and the unpredicatable deaths had me hooked on the movie. It was after I finished watching it that my brother told me he owned the damn thing. I was so excited when I saw the second one at the video store. The funny part was that I didn't even know it existed. I was just looking around in the Horror section and it caught my attention. I grabbed it and watched it four times in a row, twice with extra little gizmos and gadgets so that I could learn every little thing about it. Final Destination became a couple of my favourite movies ever... Now it's one of my favourite trilogies...
I heard about Final Destination 3 about two months ago, and I searched the internet for as much as I could find on the movie. I didn't find much, but I was still phyched. Now it's coming to a theatre near me on Friday, and I'm going to see it a.s.a.p. I also got my friend Eryn way to into it so now we're both excited for it.
But yeah, I'll write a review for it after I see it. I'll also talk more about what the movies are about, since I failed to talk about that, hehe.
- Camera
It Takes my Pain Away!
Well, The title means nothing. It's just lyrics to an awesome song. Pain, by Jimmy Eat World. This awesome song is also in a commercial a couple of my buddies and I made back in October or November for a school project. The commercial is about an energy drink called Kick Arse (my idea, heh.) and for those who don't understand our concept: Three guys drink a horrible tasting drink that they hate, and they think about something that anyone could do. They then take a sip of the oh-so wonderful Kick Arse, and immediately feel an adrenaline rush that makes them do crazy stunts and other such unreal awesomisity. The reason I'm posting this now is because I've always tried to upload it to websites, and today Putfile finally got it sent through. So, for your viewing pleasure, here's Kick Arse.
So... Did you like it? Of course you did! Like we said, this was filmed in about late October or around then. The people in it, in order, are my friends Corey, Graeme and I. We took turns filming the parts, and our awesome filming and computer editing got us the win for our "commercial awards" (not to mention a kick arse mark!). Kick Arse will always live in our hearts. Which is why Corey, Graeme and I have decided to film something else including our famous drink. Unfortunately, I can't tell you any
more about it, very hush hush. So, be quiet.
So sorry about the late post, but you should be used to my laziness by now.
And, in Cam's Injury Report, I managed to smash the side of my knee on some cold hard cement. Plus the effect of a sprained finger still hasn't worn off after a week but what I gonna do? I know! Watch Kick Arse again!
That's all for now, though. Later!
The God of Gaming Loves Me
Well, I went home this afternoon, as sickness was getting the better of me, and I had nothing to do.
So I popped in my Mario Kart DS and played that for a while. That's when I played the greatest round of Mario Kart racing ever. (Let me just say that if you are not a gaming nerd, then you won't understand much of this. You can just skip this entire coloured section. Yeah, I colour coded it, aren't I cool?)
Let me set the scene for you: 150cc (hardest difficulty), Special Cup. Wario Stadium went pretty well, I got first there. But this is when I either got lucky, or it's just skill. I'm playing Peach Gardens, and it's the final lap. Peach manages to gain a lead on me, and someone launches a blue shell that shoots by me and lands on Peach, which gives me time to catch up a little bit. I grab an item block and the item I get is a fake item block. Now, power slides won't help me to catch up, and it's the final turn until the finish line. I decide to time my throw for the item block right when Peach is making the turn, so I hurl it ahead and it hits Peach right on, and I speed into the finish. That may be just luck, you might think. But guess what.... I did it again, with a banana, in Bowser Castle. Peach got ahead at the end, and I threw it at her, hitting her right on and she spun out. Oh but wait, guess what happened in Rainbow Road... That's right, I did it again. On the final loop, I got a banana string (that's three bananas) and I saved one for the end. Luigi passed me and I threw it, which caused him to spin out, and I passed for the win. I have to say, I completely owned that round. Plus I unlocked something new, so I'm satisfied.
But anyway. Not much new happened since yesterday. I got sicker... But I'm better now. I'm sure I'll be back to perfect health by the weekend, which will be really nice considering I've got fun plans for it. I'm being lazy with my Podcast idea, and I have an idea for a webcam thing... But it probably won't get anywhere. I've just been lazy all week, so bear (bare, bair, baer) with me here. And a big shout out to my man, MC Hammer. You rock!