Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


E3 Comes to a Close

Well, I just want to say a couple things before getting off the epic topic of E3. It goes a little something, a-like this:

Nintendo fucking pwned Sony + Microsoft's asses.

Want to know how? Well, not only did Microsoft have jack to show except a bunch of good graphiced games, but no one cares about Microsoft because the people who love Microsoft already have a 360 so that's the end of it. And Sony? Give my fingers a break, seriously. Actually, I think Ctrl+Alt+Del explains it quite nicely.

Oh so true.

Sony not only copied both Microsoft's (the menu button in the middle of the controller) and Nintendo's (... Okay, I'll let you find out yourself if you haven't already) controllers, but Sony actually tried to explain to the E3 crowd that what they were doing with their gyroscopic controller was brand spankin' new, never before thought of by the gaming environment. It seems that Sony is going for a lightweight controller, so they've eliminated rumble in their controller. Sony had this self-centered comment to say:
"Rumble was last generation, movement is this generation."
My opinion? Sony is fucking full of themselves. They even saved their little "surprise" for the end of their conference. Maybe so that people wouldn't yell at them in the middle of the conference and would save their anger at the end when it's over.

Okay, now, on to Nintendo. Simply put: They dominated. They had a great conference, and showed how easy and fun their Wii controller was to use. They then showed a whole bunch of awesome games. I am so excited for the Wii again. After the first day of E3, I was excited, but so disappointed that I didn't see any Smash Brothers at all. The next day was probably the best day of all.

As if Nintendo didn't kick enough ass in day one, the next day I forgot who the other companies were. Super Smash Brother's Brawl is RIGHT up there with some other Kick Arse titles. Pit finally makes his come back (after he was forgotten soon after the release of Kid Icarus), and I was so happy when Nintendo decided to update the Link model to the Twilight Princess version. I have one question though: If Young Link is in Brawl, then will he have a TP look as well, even if he's not in Twilight Princess? I'm guessing we'll find out soon enough... For a 2007 release, we're going to have to prepare for a lot of rumours.
But now with Solid Snake in the game, Nintendo wants fans to send in ideas for characters to be included in Brawl. I'm not sure who I want in there, so I'm going to wait before sending in my ideas. Here's the trailer. God have mercy if you haven't seen it already.

Clickity Click Click!

In other news, I'm thinking of including a separate page on here to write reviews for games I've played in my decade and a half of living on this Earth. If you read this and are thinking of renting or buying a game, send me an e-mail or something and I'll give you my thoughts on that game (if I've played it. Oh, please restrain from sending me shit-mail, unless you wanted to be hated by me forever. Plus I'll laugh at your horrible grammar. Afterall, any dipshit who sends hatemail to people they don't know, clearly hasn't been to school and therefore can't possibly have good spelling and punctuation). is my address.

We'll see how that idea holds up. And as far as the forums and the podcast ideas go... I don't know. Podcast is a "No." right now, but the forums, eh. I'll make a temporary one, maybe.

That's all for now. E3 was fun, I'm excited for next year. I hope my brother goes so he can get some exclusive pictures for me to post up here. This is assuming I'm still updating this site. Anyway, 'til next time!

- Cammiboo (My aunt's nickname for me)


E3 = Underway

So, after a seemingly long day of school (due to over-enthusiastic excitement), I finally got home and checked out Gamespot right away. I had to dry my keyboard off from drooling all over it (Just kidding, but not really).

There are a few things I must express my mind about, because I can't keep all this bundled up inside. I'm actually wishing I hadn't started writing this, because there are still videos on there that I want to see! If I make a lot of spelling errors, my apologies because I'm typing extremely fast so I'm bound to miss a few mistakes here and there. It'll still be readable, but I digress.

So, I get home and start up my computer. The first thing I check is the list of games coming out for the consoles and handhelds. So I think I'll start here (I'm going to be organized with this... You know me. LEGEND TIME!):


Okay, so, let's get down to business here. The games overall were kind of impressive, but it wasn't anything that I wasn't expecting. Some new franchises are here finally, and some games that I've wanted made are being made. Let's start with my favourite, Nintendo.

Nintendo - Some games that jumped out at me when I first got to the site were probably Paper Mario, Star Fox DS (one that I've been waiting for for a while), new Zelda: Twilight Princess videos and a gameplay demo and a new game Red Steel, which I finally got to see in motion. It looks pretty awesome. Sword fights are going to be so much fun! Insane. Also, the controller got a few changes. I like the speaker idea, and how they introduced it now so that Sony wouldn't copy that idea, too.

Microsoft - Nothing special. The only thing people really wanted to see was Halo 3. Guess what, they got their wish. But now that the X-Box 360 is already out, all you really saw were game trailers and such.

Sony - So, uh, Sony... You going to do a second Conference and show how you just added speakers to your new controller? Or are you going to change the name of your console entirely? I can picture it now: The Us! The "U" stands for "You", meaning you'll be playing the system. The "S" stands for super, or "So our idea!". Don't forget the exclaimation mark! That symbolizes how much "fun" we'll have on your console!
Seriously though, saying you've added gyroscopes to your controller at the end of your conference only shows how last minute this was put into play. Also, it looks stupid. For those who haven't seen it, the guy showing the demonstration looked like the biggest tard on the planet. He was literally moving his whole arm with the tilting of his hand. I was laughing my head off. Now you guys must think "Well, you don't look any cooler playing with your Wii!", but that's where you're wrong. The Wii controller uses both your hands and had everything in mind, so you can move your hands anywhere. Thus, you don't look like a moron holding onto your gyroscopic controller that uses both hands. That's a waste of fingers there. About six of your fingers are being used to hold onto your piece of lightweight crap. Hey! At least it'll be easier to throw your controller across the room! Thanks for keeping me in mind! =)

That's all for now. I'm pretty excited to hear some opinions on the games and how good the Wii controller feels. For now, I am out.

- Crammer [likes.... Kool-Aid Jammers]

P.S. (No pun intended) I'll most likely be talking about E3 for a while. Don't worry, the second installment of my ranting thingy will be posted sooner than you think.


My Day

(Don't worry, I won't post about my day after this)

Well, actually, this day wasn't that exciting. I was just bored, plus some things did happen that I thought I'd share with my half-dozen* of readers.

Well, I was biking around a little bit, knowing that a few of my friends were planning on stopped by my place so I could come with them to the big... Park, place. This park is one of those huge places where everybody goes with their families and stuff to throw frisbees and fly their Superman kites and play their rallyball and their volleyball and eat their lunches on their checkered blankets. But I digress. Actually, I didn't, I just like saying that.

So anyway, we arrive, and we're all like "Ho'y shih tzu, I'm hot! Let's get iced cream or something!" So we decide to go to the popular ice cream parlour across a bridge that separates it from the park. We get there, I leave my bike with one of my friends and enter the store. I ended up getting a scoop of cookies and cream ice cream and devoured that in a few minutes. Pretty good, although it tasted more like plain vanilla.
So then I'm thirsty, and I go to the three drink dispensers and put in a toonie. Since the raspberry flavoured water looked extremely appetising at the time, I hit the button and I get my quarter change back, but no drink. The machine kept my dollar seventy-five and was too cheap to give me my drink. I got pissed, but something else happened.
I borrowed a quarter from a friend and bought a Powerade instead, because the other machine made me sad.

Here's the good part. I'm walking along, going to throw my garbage out and what's this?! A five dollar bill?! Wow! Is God reimbursing me for my recent loss of a toonie? Why, how nice of him.

Yeah, pretty boring day if the highlight of it was gaining three dollars. But I'm going to spend that on a Butter Caramel Iced Cap at Tim Horton's right now.

Sorry for the horrible blog entry.

- Cam with the Green Eggs and Ham