Stop! Cammer Time!

Yeah, you know you want to visit here everyday. Why? I don't know... Just check back often, because it'll have that New Car Smell everyone's talkin' about. Yeah, now I got you hooked, right?


Pawt Three

Well, here we go. This'll be the last part of my little three parter. Okay. Blue? Check.

3. Happy Feet

Well, for one, this game looks awesome. I LOVE penguins! I LOVE being happy! I LOVE feet! What's not to love? Well, most people don't like the antarctic, but that's okay, some people are just weaker than others. Want to know what's funny though? If you fell for this, then I get to laugh. I actually don't know if anyone above the age of seven will buy this. Maybe someone who's bored? No,
actually, I don't think so. But seriously, if you want this game, I won't stop you, I just don't think it'll be very exciting. Course, I haven't read up on this game, so who knows? Whatever floats your boat.


3. Red Steel

I'm not entirely excited about this game. Ubisoft is putting a lot of work into this game, and I think it deserves to be played. Rental, if no one else buys it in my family. It sounds good, the story seems good, looks pretty nice, gameplay looks pretty interesting. And I want to play a shooter for the Wii, just to see what ideas they've come up with. Might also try out Call of Duty 3, but maybe in the near future. The multiplayer for Red Steel also looks pretty cool, oh, and I'm really liking the reload feature. Flick the nunchuck, and it'll do the whole reload animation. Sounds really awesome. But, We'll see how it is.

Course, just to get this clear. I'm talking about launch games. If I wasn't, number two would be Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. And it is going to rule.

- Cammm, mmm, good.


Fifteen Days & Five Hours

Wii is getting closer, which is cool. Thought that since I have nothing better to do, I'd do the next part of my three part post on my most anticipated Wii games.

Back to blue, I s'pose? Okay. On to number two!

2. Excite Truck

Well, I'm not usually one for a racing game, but this one is different. It doesn't focus completely on the racing, which I'm really liking. Most of the game is about catching insane air and flying over everything, and gaining points. Basically you control your truck with the Wiimote turned sideways, and tilt it left and right to turn your truck. The D-Pad is used for boost, but if you use too much boost, your engine will overheat and you'll have to slow down for a few seconds (just a little Excitebike nostalgia there). Racing elements remain, but Nintendo's included a star-point system into the game. If you get some unreal hangtime, and land perfectly, you'll gain a speed boost, and you'll gain five stars for pulling off this awesome feat. You can go 120 through a stretch of road packed with trees, and if you don't ram one and go flying in a heap of crumpled metal (in slow motion), the game will reward you star points for living through this daredevil tree run. I think this game will be a winner, in a sense that you'll be able to play through this game with friends on multiplayer and have a great time. Can't you just imagine your friend taking too tight of a turn and slamming into a tree, spinning out, while you follow close behind, smoking his side, and you both go flipping up in flames? Just tell me that's not fun. I'm really excited for this title (like that pun hasn't already been made a baker's dozen times).

Well, that'll be all for now. I have a dance to get to.

- Cammarrr (I'm a pirate today!)


Rounding the Bend

"Rounding the bend?" You ask. "Why, yes." I respond, holding the excitement in, but you can still tell that the slight shake in my voice suggests it. You know it's coming, I bet you're thinking. You know it's coming. The Wii, it's coming.

And today, I will be talking about the top three games that I am very much interested in. Of course, you can name one right off the bat. But I won't get into it yet... Wait, no, I will. Right.... NOW! No wait... In BLUE! Yeah. Blue for the sleek blue LED eminating from the Wii's disc drive. *Salivates* Okay, I'm not that excited.. Alright, "HERE WE GOOOO!":

1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Well, there's the given. Of course, which die-hard Nintendo gamer, fan or no fan of Zelda, doesn't want this game? It's going to be the greatest Zelda game, greatest launch game, and possibly going to be the best game in video gaming. But those are all rumours. We'll see. The latest news about it, there are some new screenshots of Link with a slingshot, and some interesting icons on the item select screen, one being a picture of Midna. Could this icon be, perhaps, the transformation button so Link may turn into the wolf? Maybe even out of the Twilight Realm? Just a guess there, we'll see if I'm right. Personally, I'm very excited to just roam the fields of Hyrule and find my own secrets before anyone else does. That, and just slicing up and shooting down enemies on their hogs while I ride on Epona. Oh, just the thought of doing all this gives me the jumpilies. I doubt that's a word, but does it look like I care? No, I don't. Dare to badmouth this game? Fear my wrath. Oh yeah, not to mention swinging my arm around to swing the sword. Wii, come out! Bottom line? This game is going to set new records, and reach new heights.

You know what? Since I'm tired, I will finish this tomorrow, or, something... Yeah. OH NO! CAM PULLED A TRICK OVER OUR EYES! But it's too late, Halloween has passed... But that's what makes Cam so cool, he's never out of style. Looks like I've turned this blog post into a THREE PART EPISODE! See you tomorra. Until then, g'night.

- .cam